
Innovation Projects

 In order to stimulate students' awareness, ability of innovation and team spirit, as well as to promote students' ability of practice, the university vigorously set up three platforms--the scientific research training courses, programs, and academic competitions for college students' innovation practice system. Requirements of innovation credits are also added in the design of the training programs, so that the students' innovation in the cultivation process of talents.

Scientific research programs are designed for students in person or in a team to conduct independent academic study, to complete such works as design, organization, implementation, analysis, and summary of the programs under the guidance of instructors. The programs now include three major kinds: the Ministry of Education of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students, the Scientific Training Program for College Students that implemented by Beijing Municipal Education Commission, and various kinds of scientific research training programs that implemented by universities.

The academic competitions include various kinds of subject contests on four levels of international, state, province (department) and school. They are hosted by higher education authorities, domestic and abroad industry associations or academies.

The university conducts more than 700 different types of scientific research programs every year, 80 of which are on a national level, and conducts about 100 different types of academic competitions every year, including 4 on an international level and over 30 on a national level.