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Scientific and technological research has been the vital task of Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU). It plays a key role in the improvement of the university’s academic standard, teaching quality and learning facilities. In recent 5 years, BJTU has conducted 11232 innovative research projects, covering a wide spectrum of subjects. These projects include: the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), National Social Science Foundation of China, National Major Projects of Science and Technology, and other projects set up by Ministry of Education (MoE), China Railway Corporation (CRC)ministerial and Beijing municipal projects, etc. The total research funds have approached 3.79 billion yuan. There are 6,675 papers in SCIE citations and 4,381 papers in EI Citations. There are 2,108 patent applications and 1,360 approvals.


Research funds 2011-2015

Numbers of research platforms

Number of papers in three major publication citation systems 2011-2015

Patent application, approval and computer software copyright registration 2011-2015

Academic conferences hosted 2011-2015