

The dissertation includes:

(1) Qualification Examination for PhD

Doctoral candidates shall take a comprehensive examination for fundamental theory, specialized knowledge and research ability for innovative research work before the thesis.

(2)Thesis Proposal

Doctoral candidates shall make the thesis proposal after the qualification examination. The time of the thesis proposal will be determined by tutors according to their students’ academic performance. It should be at least 1 year before the thesis defense day.

Thesis proposal of master candidates is generally organized by schools (disciplines). It shall be at least half a year before the thesis defense day. Under the principle of hierarchical and classified education, the research and dissertation can be divided into academic, applied and compound types, while greater attention should be paid to the cultivation of applied and compound talents.

(3) Academic activities

Postgraduate students shall take part in various academic activities. The times are subject to the corresponding disciplines.

(4) Publication of Academic Papers

Before the thesis defense, PhD candidates shall meet the requirements of the research achievements. It is subject to the“Requirements for the Publication of PhD Academic Papers of BJTU”.

Before the thesis defense, master candidates shall meet the requirements of the research achievements of their school or discipline.

(5) Practice

Full-time professional masters shall take internships on the spot or in a company for at least 6 months. Then they shall complete an internship report under the guidance of their tutors. The internship credits or grades are determined by the corresponding disciplines.

(6) Thesis Defense

After the above mentioned procedures, the thesis defense and degree conferral will be carried out according to the “Regulations on the PhD Thesis Defense and Degree Application of BJTU”.