40L382Q Fundamentals of Financial Management

(3 Credits,48 Hours; Course Category: Specialty Basic Course for the subjects of Financial Management, Accounting and Business Administration?Specialty Major Course for Logistics Management; Specialty Elective Course for Marketing; Specialty: Financial Management; Accounting; Business Administration; Logistics Management and Marketing; Prerequisite: Principles of Economics; Principles of Management; Principles of Accounting; Applied Statistics)
The course is one of the specialized backbone courses for the undergraduates of Financial Management, Accounting and Business Administration as well as the specialized elective course for Marketing. The course serves as a principle course for research-oriented teaching, aimed at improving students’ analytical thinking ability, innovation ability and independent learning ability. On the basis of the full understanding of the whole structure of Financial Management with the core contents of value management, the course enables students to master basic theories, principles and methods of Financial Management, develop a strong sense of awareness of the relationship between financial policy and business strategy and enterprise value management, and consolidate the valuation-based, value discovery-based, and value management-based financial concepts.
The course mainly consists of Course Description, Financial Analysis, Working Capital Management and Short-term Financing, Long-term Financing, Financial Forecast and Planning, Risks and Benefits, Time value and Security Valuation, Investment Projects Appraisal, Capital Cost and Capital Structure, Dividend Distribution Policies, Corporate Valuation and Value Management.