40L237Q Principles of Management

(3 credits, 48 hours; Professional basic courses/compulsory course; applied subjects: undergraduate majors of economics and management; no prerequisite)
This course is one of the basic courses of undergraduate students who major in economics and management, including 3 credits and 8 hours.
This course is the leading class of all the management curriculums. Each chapter should focus on the basic concept, principle and method of management to enable students to have a general understanding and get a hold. Organizational behavior, strategic management, human resources management and other follow-up courses will be conducted in-depth analysis and application.
This course mainly instructs management and management science, evolution of management theories, plan and strategy, organization, leadership, control, decision, communication, motivation team, innovation of enterprise management and so on and it is based on the basic function of management.
This course adopts research-oriented teaching mode and builds a three-dimension teaching system which includes rich data, diverse forms and links easiness and difficulty.