A0L241Q Database System

(2 Credits, 32 Hours; Course Category: Required Course; Specialty: Software Engineering; Prerequisite: Programming Language, Data Structure)
Database System is a core course for sophomores majoring in Software Engineering and other related disciplines. This course provides an introduction to relational database systems. The topics in this course include fundamentals of database architecture, the relational models, Structured Query Language (SQL), query processing, query optimization, schema normalization and integrity constraints, database design theory and methods, transactions management, database recovery, concurrency control and database security.
Database System is a combination of theory and practice aiming at improving and strengthening the students’ understanding of the database principles and their hands-on skills. It will not only bring students the professional knowledge, but also the capability of analyzing and solving problems. It will also improve the students’ skills in logical thinking to meet the demands of the industry.
After learning the principles and applying the database designs in this course, the students will learn how to use a relational database system and write programs in SQL, and to design and implement a web-based application database system. They will also grasp the technology and developmental trend of the Database theory.